Chikkun Takkun Wiki

In the summer of 1984, a number of Chikkun Takkun toys were released through Japanese toy company Gakken. Gakken produced a wide variety of toys throughout the 1980s, but into the 1990s, shifted into producing books and educational products. Today, they are now known as Gakken Education Publishing.

Gakken's larger Chikkun Takkun toys came with a promotional magazine. It contained a short manga illustrated by Goro Yamada, and images of all available toys (aside from keshi) figures. Only one known manga story was published in this format, and can be read in full here. Curiously, this magazine and manga read left-to-right, like a western book, rather than right-to-left like Japanese books.


The most common Chikkun Takkun figures were keshi gomu figures, known as "keshi" in shorthand. These were rubber figures of varying sizes and colours. These could be purchased as 7-figure pouches, or as a Variety Box, which included 5 regular-size keshi and 4 supersized keshi.

Six sofubi (soft vinyl) figures were released as a deluxe pack called Chikkun World. This set originally retailed for ¥1980.

Chikkun, Dr. Bell, and Mechatan were made into "ZDC" figures, which were made of die-cast metal and PVC plastic. These originally retailed for ¥650 each. The Chikkun and Bell figures could change facial expressions when a part of them was moved. Chikkun could have happy, angry, heart, sad, or staring eyes. Dr. Bell could have angry eyes or bashful eyes, and came with the Waruchin.

The ZDC Mechatan could be folded into his rocket position. He came with a keshi figure of Chikkun that could be placed in his back.

Pull-back figures[]

In September 1984, two figures called Gyro Chikkun and Gyro Bell were released. When pulled back against a flat surface, the two figures generated friction through an internal mechanism, and could glide forward in spiralling paths. As well, depending on how they were spun, the figures could spin like tops when turned upside down. These originally retailed for ¥950 each.

Deluxe sets[]

The Menfo and Nazumar were made into portable playsets. In their "resting" position, they are detailed models of the ships appearing in the show. When folded out, one can access little rooms and mechanical functions. These retailed for ¥2980 each.

Deluxe action figures were also made of Giji-Giji and Mechatan. Deluxe Mechatan had a wider range of action than his basic figure. He originally retailed for ¥1980:

Walkin' Giji-Giji could walk on all six legs through a "one touch" function. This was activated by giving him a mild shove, which would jostle his legs forward through kinetic internal mechanisms. He originally retailed for ¥900.

